This permanent scholarship fund, established by the Fletcher-Terry Company in 2010, will award one scholarship annually to a graduating high school senior pursuing a degree in the field of engineering. The scholarship was named after Vincent “Vin” T. Kozyrski a long-time employee whose expertise in mechanical engineering has led to the awarding of more than thirty patents by the U.S. Patent and Trademark office.

This fund was established in 2013 to honor longtime Bristol resident and community leader Wallace Barnes. It will provide support for leadership initiatives identified by the Foundation, in the six communities served, to promote collaborative solutions in an effort to build stronger communities. Such efforts may include but are not limited to: facilitation of community conversations/focus groups, community needs assessments, development of cross sector partnerships, and/or capacity building efforts.

This fund was established in 1999 to honor departing Wheeler Clinic Executive Director Dennis Keenan by supporting the future needs of Wheeler Clinic.

This fund was established in 2001 as a community-based endowment by a group of committed community leaders because they believed in the potential of women and girls and the power they have to build strong communities. The Women & Girls Fund supports programs, projects and initiatives that improve the conditions and opportunities for women and girls in the communities of Bristol, Burlington, Plainville, Plymouth, Southington and Wolcott. 

In 2002, the Women & Girls Fund Advisory Board established this fund to offer immediate assistance to women and girls in Bristol, Burlington, Plainville, Plymouth, Southington and Wolcott. Small grants are awarded to help individuals who may be in need due to a particular life situation or unexpected financial hardship. Preference is given to women and girls with needs in the areas of health and safety, self awareness, empowerment and enhancing opportunities.

This fund was established by the management and employees of Yarde Metals in 2005 to support the work of the Main Street Community Foundation.

This fund was established in 2005 by the management and employees of Yarde Metals to benefit the children of employees who wish to pursue some type of post-secondary education, with preference given to children who have lost a parent or have some specific financial need.

Established as a permanent fund in 2006 by Doctor David and Stephanie Zomick to support a variety of charitable causes in the area served by the Main Street Community Foundation, with some preference given to youth outdoor activities.

Some funds may not be listed because they are newly established. If you did not see the name of the fund that you would like to donate to in the full list, fill out the form to the right.
