2015 Grants Awarded

In 2015, Main Street Community Foundation distributed $1,364,601 in grants and scholarships to support many worthy causes and organizations in our communities.
20th Anniversary Grants from Bristol Savings Bank Fund - $20,000
The Arc of Southington
Bread for Life, Inc.
Bristol Community Organization, Inc.
Burlington Land Trust, Inc.
Connecticut Lions Eye Research Foundation, Inc.
Margaret C. Griffin Child Development Center of Southington
Imagine Nation, A Museum Early Learning Center
Lewis S. Mills High School Crew Booster Club, Inc.
Parent and Child Center at Bristol Hospital, Inc.
Plainville Community Food Pantry, Inc.
Plainville Historical Society, Inc.
Plymouth Community Food Pantry
Town of Plymouth Volunteer Ambulance Corps
Saint Vincent Depaul Mission of Bristol, Inc.
Shepard Meadows Therapeutic Riding Center, Inc.
United Way of Southington
Veterans Council of Bristol
Wolcott Crossroads, Inc.
Wolcott Resource Center
Grants from General Grant Process - $99,645
Alzheimer’s Resource Center - $1,500
My Music for Life program for the residents
Edward W. and Audrey K. Mink Memorial Fund
Asbury United Methodist Church - $6,000
Weekend food backpack program during the school year for students in need
Bristol Brass General Grant Fund
Ciccarelli-Vitale Community Advancement Fund
Edward W. and Audrey K. Mink Memorial Fund
Eva M. Pierce Memorial Charitable Fund
Bristol Adult Education Center - $2,000
Adult Education Diploma and Certificate banking program
Ciccarelli-Vitale Community Advancement Fund
Bristol Adult Resource Center - $1,500
Art supplies for BARC’s art program
Angela and Al Caruso Family Charitable Fund
Paige Wartonick Laferriere Memorial Fund
Bristol Early Childhood Center – $5,940
Supplies and equipment for four listening centers and four library centers to improve reading outcomes for pre-k students
In partnership with The Stocker Foundation
Bristol Family Resource Center - $5,000
Bilingual outreach worker at West Bristol School
Fuller and Myrtle Barnes Fund for Education
Bristol Historical Society - $700
LCD projector and screen for community presentations
Angela and Al Caruso Family Charitable Fund
Formagioni-Lodovico Family Fund
Tedesco-Gallant Charitable Fund
Bristol Public Library - $2,000
Coffee house series at the Library
Bristol Brass General Grant Fund
Gnazzo/Reidy Charitable Fund
Jay & Elizabeth Tyrrell Fund for the Arts
Bristol Youth Football & Cheer - $7,880
Field improvement with a press box, roof and bleacher repair and a hot water heater for the snack shack
Malerbo Childrens Field Maintenance Fund
Bristol Youth Services - $2,500
Adventures in Peacemaking & Diversity program
Douglas and Noreen Schumann Special Interest Fund
Burlington Volunteer Fire Department - $2,000
Apparatus iPad Program to increase firefighters’ and EMTs’ response time and access to up-to-date information
James R. Parker Trust
Environmental Learning Centers of CT, Inc. - $3,785
Bird and wildlife habitat and a wildlife viewing station at Harry C. Barnes Memorial Nature Center in Bristol
Bristol Brass General Grant Fund
Ronald F. & Emilie P. Duhaime Family Fund
Merriman Family Fund
Friends of Sessions Woods - $750
Update to the Summer House Education Facility
James R. Parker Trust
Girl Scouts of Connecticut - $1,500
Free Being Me program in Bristol schools
Douglas and Noreen Schumann Special Interest Fund
Hoppers Birge Pond - $600
Information brochure and map
Merriman Family Fund
Imagine Nation, A Museum Early Learning Center – $5,000
Kaleidobar exhibit
Smith Family Charitable Fund
Living in Safe Alternatives - $2,080
Attendance of youth from the Plainville Group Home at the Girls for a Change: Innovations in Independent Living conference
Douglas and Noreen Schumann Special Interest Fund
Memorial Military Museum - $600
Archival and display supplies
Jim & Eleanor Frawley Community Fund
Mountain View School - $3,000
Community Connections pilot program at the school
Fuller and Myrtle Barnes Fund for Education
Jim & Eleanor Frawley Community Fund
New Britain Museum of American Art - $2,500
Access to the Arts program for Wolcott students
Bristol Brass General Grant Fund
Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sisters - $2,000
Community based mentoring program
Douglas and Noreen Schumann Special Interest Fund
Nutmeg Symphony - $2,500
Children’s concert for third grade students who attend schools in Regional School District #10
James R. Parker Trust
Oak Hill/Chapter 126 - $3,000
Group exercise classes for people with and without disabilities
Bristol Brass General Grant Fund
Parent & Child Center of Bristol Hospital - $5,000
Family Life Works program, which provides comprehensive education and referral services to at-risk families
Bristol Brass General Grant Fund
Douglas and Noreen Schumann Special Interest Fund
In partnership with The Stocker Foundation
Plainville Choral Society - $2,000
Four body microphone units for the Choral Society and for use by the community
Bristol Brass General Grant Fund
Margaret Haberman Memorial Fund for Music
Plainville Community Food Pantry - $4,100
Bread Van program
Bristol Brass General Grant Fund
Jim & Eleanor Frawley Community Fund
Jaspersohn Family Memorial Fund
Plymouth Community Food Pantry - $4,000
Low-sodium and low sugar food for those with dietary restrictions
Bristol Brass General Grant Fund
Terryville High School - $1,000
Reading Initiative to increase independent student reading
Fuller and Myrtle Barnes Fund for Education
The New Children’s Museum - $2,500
Science Achievement for All program for students in Bristol schools
Bristol Brass General Grant Fund
United Way of West Central CT - $2,300
Financial coaching initiative, which gives families needed tools to increase their economic stability
Bristol Brass General Grant Fund
Formagioni-Lodovico Family Fund
James R. Parker Trust
Veterans Council of Bristol - $5,000
United States of America flags to be placed on the graves of veterans
Bristol Brass General Grant Fund
Turkus Family Fund
Grants from Bradley Henry Barnes & Leila Upson Barnes Memorial Trust - $479,038
Alzheimer’s Resource Center of Connecticut, Inc. - $75,000
Continued funding for the Hopeful Lives program, a community-based program designed to increase caregiver positive mental health as well as counseling for individuals with dementia
Hartford HealthCare at Home - $100,000
An integrated care approach for Southington seniors which includes a geriatrician, geriatric pharmacist consultation and a telemonitoring program
Hartford HealthCare Senior Services - $10,000
2016 Healthy Family FunFest
Health Assistance InterVention Education Network – $39,000
Case management support for healthcare professionals who reside or work in Southington
The Hospital of Central Connecticut- $25,860
Glidescope for the Bradley Memorial Campus Emergency Department
Southington Community Cultural Arts, Inc. - $118,000
Establishment of the UArts program and capital improvements necessary to implement the program
Southington-Cheshire Community YMCA’s - $32,103
EnhanceFitness program, an evidenced-based group exercise program for individuals with arthritis and provide two additional pieces of equipment
Wheeler Clinic - $79,075
For the Southington Health Outreach Project which enhances access to mental health and substance use programs by educating residents about the signs of these issues and the services available
Grants from the Burlington Community Fund - $2,050
Arts for Learning - $500
Family Literacy nights
Lewis Mills High School - $300
Books for the Reading Club
Malerbo Volleyball Court Fund - $100
To support the new sand volleyball court at Malerbo Recreational Facility in Burlington
Town of Burlington – Parks and Recreation - $1,150
Financial assistance for youth participation in summer activities
Grants from the Make A Mark Region 10 Enrichment Fund - $4,368
Lake Garda School - $872
Stability ball chairs
Lewis S. Mills High School - $200
Literary selections for the Book Club
HarBur Middle School - $1,000
Seventh grade African Dance and Drum Project
Harwinton Consolidated School - $1,148
Makerspace area in the library to inspire creative problem solving and STEM activities
Lake Garda School - $1,148
Makerspace area in the library to inspire creative problem solving and STEM activities
Grants from the Plainville Community Fund - $8,500
New Britain Museum of American Art - $1,000
Exhibit of student art from the Plainville Community Schools at the Museum
New Britain Symphony Orchestra - $1,850
Two concerts at Plainville Public Library
Plainville Coalition for Positive Youth Development - $1,500
Underage drinking prevention program for parents
Plainville Community Food Pantry - $1,500
Holiday baskets for Plainville Commuity Food Pantry clients
Plainville Community Schools - $1,850
Family math and science nights at the Plainville elementary schools
Town of Plainville - Friends of Norton Park - $800
Summer concert series at Norton Park
Grants from the Women and Girls’ Fund - $35,350
Barbara Hackman Franklin Fund for Women
John & Gloria DiFrancesco Fund for Women and Girls
Arts For Learning Connecticut - $1,000
The Beautiful Girl Project, a pilot program at Burlington and Southington Public Libraries that provides girls in sixth to eighth grade an opportunity to express themselves through creative writing
Bristol Family Resource Centers - $4,500
Professional development for licensed home day care providers through the Providers Responsive Early Care & Education Preparation (PREP) program.
Boys & Girls Club of Bristol - $1,800
Venture Crew, a pilot program for girls ages 14-18 to experience activities that are fun and challenging in areas that are foreign to them
Barbara Hackman Franklin Fund for Women
Charter Oak State College Foundation - $2,050
Women in Transition program in which underserved and low-income single mothers enrich their lives by completing their college degree
John & Gloria DiFrancesco Fund for Women and Girls
Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington - $4,500
Assistance for five Southington, women-owned and operated, Family Child Care (FCC) businesses to achieve the National Association of Family Child Care Accreditation
Girls Scouts of Connecticut - $3,000
2016 campership program for girls from Bristol, Burlington, Plainville, Plymouth, Southington and Wolcott
Chapter 126 – Oak Hill - $2,200
Continued support for the Beautiful U Project for girls with and without disabilities in grades five through eight from Bristol, Burlington, Plainville, Plymouth, Southington and Wolcott
Plymouth Human Services - $2,432
Two eight-week sessions of the Senior Nutrition Class, a program for seniors that teaches about cooking and nutrition
Prudence Crandall Center - $4,645
Domestic and teen dating violence prevention services for youth and teens in Plainville
Women & Girls’ Fund Endowment - $6,000
Permanent resource of assets to improve the conditions and opportunities for females of all ages in Bristol, Burlington, Plainville, Plymouth, Southington and Wolcott
Women & Girls’ Immediate Response Fund - $3,223
Small, one time grants to assist women and girls in Bristol, Burlington, Plainville, Plymouth, Southington and Wolcott who may be in need of immediate assistance due to a particular life situation or unexpected hardship
Grants from Designated Funds/Agency Endowments - $226,097
American Clock & Watch Museum - $6,990
American Clock & Watch Museum, Inc. Fund
Boys & Girls Club of Bristol - $2,000
Charles Kushlan Memorial Fund
Boys & Girls Club of Bristol - $1,100
Edward Ingraham Fund
Bristol Business Education Foundation - $670
Bob and Carol Messier Family Fund
Bristol Hospital Development Foundation - $7,090
Bristol Hospital Development Foundation Fund
Bristol Eastern High School - $3,110
Bristol Eastern High School Athletic Fund
Bristol Parks & Recreation - $500
Jay & Elizabeth Tyrrell Fund for the Arts
Bristol Sports Hall of Fame - $7,040
Bristol Sports Hall of Fame Fund
Burlington Land Trust, Inc. - $1,860
Burlington Land Trust Fund
Burlington Library - $460
Burlington Library Association Fund
Burlington Historical Society - $420
Burlington Historical Society Fund
City of Bristol/Parks and Recreation- $21,960
Samuel Goodsell Park & Playground Fund
City of Bristol/Bristol Public Libraries- $3,570
Bristol Libraries Fund
City of Bristol/Bristol Public Library- $23,980
Samuel Goodsell Library Fund
City of Bristol/F.N. Manross Memorial Library- $65,420
Manross Memorial Library Fund
Connecticut Historical Society - $380
Connecticut Quilt Registry Legacy Fund
Environmental Learning Centers of CT., Inc. - $7,460
Environmental Learning Centers of CT, Inc. Fund
For Goodness Sake, Inc. - $195
For Goodness Sake Fund
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Association - $470
Tyler James Gingery Memorial Fund
Music Lessons for Bristol Students with Financial Need - $575
Dan Cistulli Memorial Music Fund
New England Carousel Museum (Fire Museum) - $2,890
Hap Barnes Fund for Fire Safety & Prevention
Plymouth Board of Education - $494
Plymouth Century Club Fund
Plymouth Library Association - $710
Plymouth Library Association Fund
Southington Community YMCA - $5,180
Bradley Henry Barnes Fund for the Southington Community YMCA
Town of Burlington - $4862
Malerbo Volleyball Court Fund
Tunxis Community College - Bristol Career Center - $20,090
Bristol Career Center of Tunxis Community College Endowment Fund
Bristol Career Center of Tunxis Community College Endowment Fund II
Tunxis Community College - $6,750
Tunxis Community College Fund
Tunxis Community College II Fund
Turn the Towns Teal - $500
Bristol Talks Teal Fund
United Way of West Central Connecticut, Inc.- $4,420
United Way of West Central Connecticut, Inc. Fund
West Cemetery Association - $16,460
Carlyle F. Barnes Memorial Chapel Trust
Wheeler Clinic - $7,110
Wheeler Clinic/Dennis Keenan Fund
Grants from Donor Advised Funds and Special Initiatives Supported the Following Organizations and Charitable Interests - $277,784
American Indian Cancer Foundation
Joe Andruzzi Foundation, Inc.
BASE Camp Children’s Cancer Foundation
Boys & Girls Club of Bristol
Bristol Community Organization
Bristol Eastern High School
Bristol Historical Society
Bristol Hospital Development Foundation
Bristol Sports Hall of Fame
Bristol Technical Education Center
The Bushnell
Connecticut Forum
Connecticut Public Broadcasting Inc.
Connecticut Science Center
Environmental Learning Centers of CT, Inc.
First Congregational Church of Bristol
Gilda’s Club of Seattle
Greater Hartford Arts Council
Greater Hartford Community Foundation
Green Beret Foundation
Imagine Nation, A Museum Early Learning Center
Main Street Community Foundation
National Conference for Community and Justice
Oak Hill/Chapter 126
Renbrook School
Saint Ann Church
St. Francis Hospital Foundation
St. Vincent DePaul
Shepard Meadows Therapeutic Riding Center
Southington Community YMCA
Trustees of Deerfield Academy
United Way of West Central Connecticut
University of Connecticut Foundation
University of Hartford
Valley Community Baptist Church
Scholarship Grants – $146,385
Immediate Response Fund Grants - $2,814
Bristol Board of Education Immediate Response Fund
Karen DuCotey Fund for Kids
Leading Ladies Immediate Response Fund
Main Street Children’s Fund
Werner Family Fund
Women & Girls’ Immediate Response Fund
Money in Motion Grants- $38,400
DataHaven - $6,400
To support the collection of data on key social and economic indicators in Bristol
United Way of West Central Connecticut, Inc. - $30,000
Part-time housing coordinator, as part of a pilot project, to help individuals and families achieve permanent housing
United Way of West Central Connecticut, Inc. - $2,000
Matching grant for bus tokens for residents in need
Administrative Endowment Fund Grants
Main Street Community Foundation - $26,400
Barnes Group 150th Anniversary Fund
Main Street Community Foundation Endowment Fund
Dave & Edith Scarritt Fund
Yarde Metals Community Support Fund